A List Apart Redesign

After visiting Bloglines.com today, it was easy to see just how popular AListApart.com is among web designers. The redesign must have gotten a mention on at least 6 of the blogs I read.

I was a little confused at first as to what had changed – only to find out the DNS info hadn’t propogated fully yet and I was still seeing the old design.

After finding a link to the temporary place holder for the new design, my first impression was ‘It’s nothing special’, but that’s just my opinion. Most of the other comments I’ve read seem to disagree. Personally I think it’s over-elegant. The theme, to me, doesn’t suit the topic. Feel free to disagree ;)

Inishowen Holiday Home Redesigned

I’m glad to announce that the Inishowen Holiday Home redesign has been completed.

I’m also glad to say that it passed the W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional test.

The header uses the Automatic Image Rotator script to display a random image on each page load – which is kind of snazzy :)

A bit of simple PHP code was used to determine which page was loaded and change the nav menu accordingly so visitors could tell which page they were on – not that it is really that neccessary!

Overall though, I’m pretty happy with the outcome :)

Out with the Old, In with the New

As you can see, Wired Vision has a new design. I was never that fond of the old one so I decided a new one was in order. Let me know what you think.

I’ll be adding the Portfolio section again as soon as it’s completed. If you spot any problems, stick in a comment and I’ll try to get it fixed asap.

Oh and by the way, I’m hoping to add another new section soon too, so watch out for it :D